Forest of Faith a new mini-series!
I recently created a new mini-series of landscapes that I write personal reflections on my journey and my experiences! Abstract paintings mingle with abstract descriptions that are meant to be equally important. Each image is available in a limited edition print, with only ten of each ever made. You can have the opportunity to purchase your prints here!
Adoration 14”x14” Acrylic paint and oil pastel on canvas
I see so much love set before me, facets that can not even be recognized yet. Green meadows to stretch out on, lavender fields to rest upon, nurturing shelter abounds when I look to the ways of his unending deep love and perfect character. I change, but he does not.
Audacious 14”x14” SOLD Acrylic paint and oil pastel on canvas
A willingness to take a bold risk, internal handling that can only be done by surrender, and some might say sacrifice. I see the pleasures ahead, the measures I will take seem to be boldly etched out on my divine appointment book. Run and not grow weary, charge forward, and chase the lion. Ok, I will go if you promise to hold my hand.
Baca 20”x16” Acrylic paint and oil pastel on canvas
She walks through this valley; she makes it a place of springs; is it rain to bring a harvest, or is it showers to bring growth? The same she says as her paintbrush presses shades of red on the canvas. Full pallet knife swirls more while wet brush dilutes and takes away pigments creating spaces of pink. Red pastels create borders that cut. Pain and newness produce sustaining lessons. She goes from strength to strength.
notes: The Valley of Baca is mentioned in the Bible only once, in Psalm 84. Baca is rendered “weeping” in most translations: “What joy for those whose strength comes from the LORD, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings” (Psalm 84:5–6,
Be Still 14”x14” Acrylic paint and oil pastel on canvas
When I choose the right presence, I am at rest. I strive to be still with the one who created a peaceful mind—tethered to him is a healing place. I can breathe easy and smile here. My heart can dance in heavenly places.
Gratitude 14”x14” Acrylic paint and oil pastel on canvas
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17
Holding the Vision 14”x14” SOLD Acrylic paint and oil pastel on canvas
Anticipation bubbled within her. Each day has good in it because each day, she can choose joy. The reach gets shorter for the gifts promised when diligent patience becomes her prerogative.
Purpose 14”x14” Acrylic paint and oil pastel on canvas
Prominent hues of burnt red, orange, and cadmium yellow blanket the foreground. In nature, warm colors represent change as in the changing of the seasons or the eruption of a volcano. Excitement met with cooling crystal tranquil waters and purifying forest air. I will take this combination any day!
Everlasting 24”x36” Acrylic paint and oil pastel canvas
Blue waters Turbulent or Tranquill? Walking here do I forage or feast? Peace and provision are in the eye of the beholder. Am I lost or on an ordained journey? Being centered amid any landscape, surely this takes practic. This takes diligence; this takes learning. This place holds much. I sit at the edge of the quenching waters; I am satisfied each time. If I make time, my cup will be filled. This place holds past present and future. A landscape that nurtures I know this place as my refining province. I look up to the tallest sky I feel small but nurtured all the same. He made my soul bigger than the universe. He makes me strong day by day; he is everlasting; he is all things.